In this session, I delve into the culmination of my extensive research, encapsulated in the project 'Customising Urban Joy.' In this project, I develop urban planning mechanisms tailored for today's digitally engaged society, emphasizing the measurable aspect of joy through geo-tagged social media data.
The study casts a critical eye on the divide between our envisioned urban landscapes and the reality we inhabit. It highlights the indispensable role of citizen involvement in shaping urban environments when conventional top-down approaches often fall short of meeting the expectations of digitally connected residents.
To bridge this gap, the project employs innovative methods. A 3D digital twin of the study case is constructed using open spatial data and is combined with sentiment analysis from social media. This process unearths the transformative potential of urban data, paving the way for targeted interventions.
The insights gained from this research showcase the pressing need to elevate residents' quality of life and overall satisfaction within the urban fabric. It's a step towards crafting cities that not only function efficiently but also resonate with the aspirations and well-being of their inhabitants.

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